Health & Safety Excellence

PKHBA 2024 | Peterborough and the Kawarthas Home Builders Association


Health & Safety Excellence is open to all PKHBA members


This award recognizes a company's achievements, leadership and innovation over the past 12 months for outstanding Health and Safety policies, procedures and practices. This company has raised the bar for the industry as a whole. There is power in health and safety. It is so important for Business Owners, Managers, and ALL Workers to have a health and safety-minded focus and we recognize that it takes a lot of dedication, focus and effort. This is a journey that is never ending.

Judges will be looking for:

  • How is health and safety awareness communicated and treated in the workplace?
  • Provide some examples of your workplace health & safety procedures and best practices. 
  • Describe any unique elements to your Health & Safety practice's that keep it top of mind for your workers.
  • How do you measure the effectiveness of your training, how successful are these practice's on your site?

Note: PKHBA reserves the right to perform a project audit for finalists in this category.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Open to all PKHBA members
  • Award is granted to the member company, not to an individual company representative
  • This award is self-nominated
Criterion Weight
Staff training for Health & Safety 25.0%
Effective Health & Safety Awareness Programs & Initiatives 25.0%
Demonstrates innovation, creative programs or unique iniatives 25.0%
Challenges faced to achieve effective health & safety 25.0%